JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman 


Siberian Eclipse, Annular Eclipse, Egg.Birth.FLow.

Video Excerpts from:
Siberian Eclipse - In the shadow of the Total Solar Eclipse in Siberia, Russia, 2008 (20 min.)
Annular Eclipse - Annular Solar Eclipse in Nevada, USA, 2012 (4 min.)
Egg. Birth. Flow. - Video of active lava flows from Kilauea, Hawaii juxtaposed with a Ridley Sea Turtle laying her 60 eggs
on a remote beach in Costa Rica reveal processes of growth, destruction and new life. (6 min.)

(All video of lava flows, eclipses and sea turtle were shot on location and edited by JoAnn GIllerman © 2018)

Video (7 minutes)





